Your Northern Utah Vertigo Experts
Dizziness and vertigo not only contribute to nausea and malaise but can also cause you to feel unsteady on your feet, interrupting your ability to carry out the normal tasks of daily living and decreasing your quality of life.

According to statistics, vertigo is common in the general population, affecting more than 5% of adults each year. It is partially responsible for over 50% of the accidental deaths and over 300,000 hip fractures among the elderly.
If you or a loved one often experiences dizziness or vertigo and is looking for answers, you might be wondering, “Are there vertigo doctors near me?”
The answer and solutions to your dizziness and vertigo can be found at any of the four Utah Ear Institute audiology and balance clinics located in Bountiful, Tooele, Park City, and West Valley City. Our expertise combined with state-of-the-art technology allows us to conduct simple, non-invasive tests that lead to the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness and vertigo.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are dizziness and vertigo the same?
What are some common vertigo and dizziness causes?
Although not always related to issues that affect the inner ear, malfunctions of the vestibular system located in the inner ear tend to lead to a loss of our sense of balance and symptoms like dizziness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, and loss of balance. Typical causes include:
- Damage to the inner ear due to a cold virus
- Inner ear damage related to head trauma
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which involves the displacement of otoconia from the utricle to the semicircular-canals, leading to false signaling to the brain and the sensation of vertigo
- Meniere's disease, which is a buildup of pressure in the inner ear
Can vertigo be treated?
Can vertigo be confused with the symptoms of other diseases or conditions?
What Our Delighted Patients Say
Diagnosing Vertigo
Diagnosing vertigo or dizziness typically includes hearing and/or balance testing in order to determine the functional state of the vestibular system located in the inner ear and how it coordinates with the other systems in your body that help you maintain your balance. Testing could include:
- ENG and VNG Tests
- Rotary Chair Test
- Computerized Dynamic Posturography
- VEMP Test
- Video Head Impulse Test (vHIT)
Treatment for Vertigo
Although symptoms often resolve spontaneously or without treatment, dizziness treatment and vertigo therapy might include:
Canalith Repositioning
Used to treat BPPV, canalith repositioning helps remove the otoconia from the semicircular canal and return them to the utricle. Successful in treating 95% of cases, treatment takes only minutes and requires no more than 3-4 visits.

Beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin or serotonin/norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs or SNRIs), topiramate, and others can be prescribed to ease the dizziness, vertigo, or motion sickness associated with MdDS as well as other medications to address the buildup of pressure related to Méniére’s disease.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)
The most common treatment used to address vertigo is VRT, or vestibular rehabilitation therapy, which involves manual head maneuvers and/or a progressive program of exercises designed to decrease the symptoms of vertigo, help overcome visual issues, and protect patients against falls related to imbalance.

Schedule an Appointment for Dizziness or Vertigo
Dizziness and vertigo have the potential to limit your capacity to carry out the common tasks of daily living, interrupt your social life, and lead to injuries from balance-related falls. The vertigo experts at Utah Ear Institute have the experience and equipment to provide an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the treatment or therapy designed to address your condition.
Contact us to schedule an appointment for dizziness or vertigo by submitting the adjacent form, and one of our patient care specialists will contact you to provide assistance.
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