If you’re curious about the dos and don’ts of earwax removal, we’re here to help.

Effective Earwax Removal Techniques: A Guide by Utah Ear Institute

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Earwax, Patient Resources

Managing earwax is an important part of keeping your ears happy and healthy, as well as clearing out any potential blockages that could affect your hearing. However, with all sorts of quick fixes on the market these days, earwax maintenance is often mishandled.

At Utah Ear Institute, the importance of earwax removal is something we understand very well – we see people each day coming in to get their earwax impactions removed safely and effectively. If you’re curious about the dos and don’ts of earwax removal, we’re here to help.

Understanding Earwax and Its Removal  

Avoid Cotton Swabs: It’s common practice to reach for a cotton swab when our ears feel stuffed up with earwax; we’re sure you know that these aren’t the most effective method of cleaning your ears. Cotton swabs can potentially cause damage to your eardrums and push your earwax further down into your ear canal.

Utilize Over-the-Counter Solutions: A safer form of cleaning your ears comes with removal drops available at most pharmacies. These are typically made of mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide, or saline solutions that work to soften the earwax.

When using these drops, tilt your head to one side to allow the solution to penetrate your ear canal, let the solution work for a few minutes, and then tilt your head to the opposite side to let the softened wax and solution drain out. Make sure to follow the instructions!

External Ear Cleaning: With a warm, damp cloth, you can wipe the outer ear gently to remove residual wax – just make sure not to insert the cloth into your ear canal.

When to Seek Professional Help

Experiencing discomfort, hearing loss challenges, dizziness, or earaches and suspecting a buildup of earwax could be the cause? Audiologists and healthcare providers have the expertise and tools for safe and effective earwax removal. Our team is more than happy to take care of your earwax buildup for you.

We use a combination of methods to help alleviate earwax buildup, including irrigation, which involves a warm wash of water to gently loosen the earwax and flush it out. In some cases, we’ll use a curette to gently pull more stubborn impactions out of your ears.

For concerns about earwax buildup, schedule an appointment or request a callback to get more information on the next steps. A member of our team will get in touch to help you out with answers to your questions.

For a more immediate conversation, feel free to call us at (801) 298-4327.

Schedule an Earwax Removal

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Dr. Joshua Luekenga, Au.D., F-AAA, CCC-A, Audiologist

Dr. Joshua Luekenga is an audiologist and founder of The Utah Ear Institute which is comprised of 5 comprehensive clinics throughout Utah and Wyoming. He specializes in vestibular and balance diagnostics. He also evaluates and treats hearing disorders, Tinnitus, Auditory Processing Disorders (APD), Misophonia and Hyperacusis.

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